Great CBS Report on Sugar

Cynthia Sass posted this video on her facebook page.  Take some time and watch this important report on how sugar effects your health.  Click the link below:

CBS Report

My big takeaways:

-Sugar is hidden in all of our processed foods.  Ok, I learned this from the Cinch Sass Diet.

-We used to get our sugar in small amounts of fruit.  The sugar in fruit is balanced out by the fiber & slows consumption.  Now, with refined sugar, we are overindulging in large amounts of sugar without the fiber.  Not good.

-During the fat free craze companies took out the fat & it tasted like cardboard so they pumped the fat free foods with sugar.  This reminds me of those snackwell cookies I used to love to eat in the early 90’s.  My favorite were the Devil’s Food Cookies.  Look at the nutritional info here.  First ingredient is sugar, third ingredient is high fructose corn syrup and they have 0 fat.  It is like eating a sugary piece of cardboard.

-Diet is so important.  Sugar may be adding to major diseases or even causing some.

-Sugar is addictive.  Again, I learned this from the Cinch Sass Diet.

At the end of the report it says it’s sponsored by Pfizer.  Huh?  Why is a report on the health industry sponsored by a drug company?  That’s odd.  Beyond that complaint this was great information.

4 thoughts on “Great CBS Report on Sugar

    • Hi Susan! I’ve been so busy with life. We are in the middle of buying a house & I’m swamped with work. Still here! I’ll blog soon! You are so sweet for checking in on me!

      • How exciting to be buying a house! Hope it’s everything you want. My cousin and her two daughters live in Overland Park. Such a great place to visit (and shop). Looking forward to reading your blog again soon. Take your time and enjoy the experience.

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